ISBN South Africa
I need an ISBN South Africa barcode for my book – can SA Barcodes help?
At SA Barcodes, we provide an excellent facilitation service for the registration of your book for an ISBN number, the process to convert ISBN to barcode numbers and design of your ISBN barcode images. ISBN stands for International Serial Book Number and is a number which needs to appear on all books being sold to readers and stores as they are used to help locate and identify between millions of published books, each book has its own unique ISBN number assigned to it before publication and that specific ISBN can not be used on any other book not even a second volume of the same book. ISBN numbers are normally 13 digits long and they do not expire they are able to be used for life on the same publication. While we do not supply the ISBN numbers themselves (these are sourced directly from the national library), we do put you in touch with the right people and assist you with the process, once completed, we convert your ISBN number into the correct barcode numbers and high-resolution images (ready for printing and scanning). Please note that you will be required to have an ISBN number, South Africa and the rest of the world included for all book formats weather you have a physical printed book or an eBook and each format will have a different number assigned to it. Once you receive your barcode images form us you can have them sent to your designer to be placed on the cover of your book or perhaps you would prefer to have them printed on stickers, we can do this for you as well. Our prices are available on our label printing page for your perusal. By purchasing from us you have the peace of mind that your images are at the best best quality that they can be for scanning and approval by the retail or online stores that will be selling your books.
The process for receiving your ISBN number from the National Library of South Africa is filling in the forms required for each format of your book and sending them off, if you intend on publishing 100 or less copies of your book you will be required to send 1 copy of your book to the National Library before publication, however if you intend on having more than 100 copies published you will need to send 5 copies to various address which the National Library will provide you with so remember to keep 5 copies aside and account for the costs of shipping these books. But the great news is that obtaining your ISBN number from the National Library is free of charge. With having your book listed with the National Library it allows for your people to do an ISBN number search South Africa for your book and will increase sales and awareness of your name as well.
If you have any questions relating to the acquisition of the ISBN numbers in South Africa, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team. We can assist you each step of the way to get your book barcoded and into book stores, online stores and libraries.